Friday, August 24, 2018

Philippine Beam

    Image result for resiliency of filipinos

      Philippines is one of the Disaster Prone Country because it is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire where there are most active volcanoes. Anyone born and raised in the Philippines knows that every year more than twenty typhoons hit our land. Worst storms come every year and will ruin anything that we have and we Filipinos live a cycle that after we have been devastated we stand up and rebuild again. Floods and landslides devastate our homes and what we do is to accept the truth, rebuild again and we find ways on how to survive, we always think of a reason to continue living.
     Philippines also experience the shaking of the ground. Many buildings, homes and roads are destroyed because of earthquake but even if we lose our loved ones, we Filipinos thrive and understand sorrow. We try our best to reconstruct and we always look forward on what's next.
     I have also witness the bravery, hard work, optimism and faith of every Filipinos that after a disaster we can see in their faces a smile. Smile that symbolizes hope. In every Filipino children you can see a genuine smile painted on their faces being contented on what they have. No toys to play with because of the disasters that ruin them. Filipinos are also optimistic. They always posses a positive look and think of a happy future.
     One proof of Filipino resilience, when supertyphoon Haiyan has it's landfall on Mindanao. Many lives have been taken, devastate houses and buildings, families that have been separate because of landslides and flash floods. But in the end we saw hopes on their faces. Believing that after a rain comes a rainbow. But as a responsible citizen, we should do our parts to lessen the damage of these calamities. The government should not only the one to make a move. The Bottom Up Approach where everyone will participate in planning for disaster preparedness.
     We can have resilience, we can keep the faith, but we need you to act and be accountable.


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