Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Gardening is Not Just a Hobby, It is a Way of Life

Image result for planting with family cartoons

   Have you ever asked yourself if the nutrition you get is enough for your everyday life? Are the foods you eat have the proper nutrients needed by your body? And have you ever think of the sacrifices of our beloved farmers to plant fruits and vegetables for us to eat but sometimes we just leave them in our plate? That in every grain is equivalent to a farmers' sacrifice?


     Nutrition is a very important factor for our body because it gives us the strength to do our daily routine. And this nutrient came from fruits and vegetables. Most of us just buy them on the market. Maybe some of the fruits and vegetables we buy is not fresh anymore and the nutrients it contain are not enough for us. So, how can we have proper nutrition in our own ways?

     Planting and harvesting are the main job of farmers. They are always under the heat of the sun, plowing the field and they don't mind the pain of farming because they want us to have enough food supply. But now, farmers are decreasing. So as a responsible citizen, you should do our part to help ourselves and also others. Just by simply planting in our backyard is a big help. Planting like tomato, lady finger, eggplants and many other vegetables. All of us should do this for us to harvest our own foods. As the theme says, "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin", we are encouraged to practice planting. In planting, your body can be physically fit and also having a garden of your own can help you not to go to far away markets to buy vegetables. Planting would also be fun if you plant with your family. Family gardening can be a way of for your family to be close.

     Together with your father, mother and siblings, let's spread the awareness of family gardening. In the community, share your knowledge about farming and let's to this as a practice. Our farmers would say, "farming is not just a hobby... It is a way of life". Well, Home gardening is more than just a hobby - it is a lifestyle- it is an ideal worth preserving.

Reference: Image:


  1. I agree that Farming is not just a hobby... it is a way of life.Planting crops in our backyard is very important because even if there were no harvests from the farmers, at least you can harvest the ones you've planted in your backyard.
