Saturday, October 20, 2018

Discover the World of Potentials

 The science month of 2018 revolves around the theme “Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements”, which gives importance to Michael Faraday's discovery. The discovery of electricity and magnetism that leads to electromagnetism that is important in this generation because of technologies. 

     This encourages the youth to make a move on how to improve the technolies we have now. To seek knowledge on hoe this electromagnetism works and on how we could use them to have a better technology advancement. This technologies had a great help in every nation. In the medical field, this is useful for treating or curing illnesses in our body. 

     As one of the Yes-O club officer, we had organized activities for the students to understand more about electromagnetism. How it works and how it helps develop facilities. In having this kind of such activities, all of us may learn and use it and it's beneficials in right condition. With discovering potentials, it will lead to the development of ourselves as well as our country.

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