Sunday, March 10, 2019

Th Journey

     School year 2018-2019 is a very memorable school year for me. This school year will be our last year as Junior High School. Many memories had been made through the four years of being a Junior High School student. We've been through many ups and downs and being in a special class is not that easy. We experience stressful nights doing requirements and reviewing for exams but after all of that we are happy that together we'll be moving up.

     In our ICT 10, we learn things that we can apply in daily lives. Making blog is a very fun thing to do. In making our blogs we can share our knowledge about the topics given. We can share thoughts and it also enhances our skill even if some of us are not journalists. This last quarter we recalled our topic when we were in Grade 8 which is the Photoshop.

     Moving on, I will share what I've learned to other. And I hope that I can use what I've learn when we'll go to senior highschool. Batchmates, Congratulations! We did it.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Ilocos Sur National Highschool Foundation Day

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This year, Ilocos Sur National Highschool celebrates its 117th Foundation Day! Foundation Day is what students and teachers had been waiting for. Everyone was busy practicing and preparing for this HS Day. Students from the Junior and Senior Highschool had been busy practicing with their MAPEH teachers for weeks in preparation for the field demo.

The Foundation Day lasted for two days; first day was the coronation of Mr. and Ms. ISNHS and the second day was the costume parade and field demo. In the coronation of Mr. and Ms. ISNHS, the gymnasium was field with students who supported their candidates, teachers who prepared for the coronation and guests who wanted to view the coronation.

The second day was the most awaited time for the foundation day. Early in the morning students were all gathered in the field with their respective grade level in preparation for the parade, starting from grade 7 to grade 12. The King and Queen together with the princes and princesses were also part of the parade with their own kalesa decorated with many flowers. During the parade, teachers also chose the most disciplined section. After the parade was a break and in the afternoon guests, students and teachers assembled again in the field for the field demo. There was a short program wherein the father of the school gave his message and also the guest speaker talked about the past of our school. After all the talks, the Field Demo started. Grade 7 Boys were the one who first performed followed by the grade 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 respectively. Then after the boys, girls also showed their dance starting from grade 7 up to grade 12. All the students had a great job in performing but there was a grade level that stand out which is the Grade 8 girls and boys.

The Foundation Day was filled with fun and joy. It is the time of celebrating the founding of our school that became our second home. Aim High, Fly, Soar. Ilocos Sur National Highschool.


My Dream, My Future

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When I was young, I always tell to myself that I can get what I want and I will be what I want to be. I made dreams I wanted to achieve and think of ways on how to achieve them. I know that I may face challenges before I achieve all those goals but I know that God is here to guide me.

These past years are a very tough one for me. I had faced many things that somehow change me. Some of them taught me how to be a strong person. I experienced things in life that discouraged me to pursue my dreams. I met people that gave me reasons to stop what I want to do but some of them believed in me and someone told me that I should also believe in myself and to not lose hope.

Related imageAs years pass by, there are times that I am confused on what strand and what course should I pursue. But right now I have made my mind that I want to help people that are sick. I want them to feel that they are safe. I want to roam around a hospital to check on people. So this coming school year I’ll be taking STEM and will get BS Nursing on college. I will study hard to be able to achieve it. Outside of my job, I want to live in my dream house together with my own family. We’ll tour around the world and we’ll make memories together.

 As you can see, I have big plans for my future. I plan to make something of myself, and not to give up. I have a major fear of failure, and I won't let it get to me. My parents expect a lot out of me. My dreams are what keep me going; they are an object for me to strive for. I will obtain that object one day.


Friday, February 8, 2019

Kannawidan Festival: Pride of Ilocos Sur

     Ilocos Sur is a beautiful province located in the northern part of Luzon. It is a province rich in culture that represents the ancient Spanish and Filipino Heritage. To show Ilacano culture and treasures to the world, they conceived a festival that highlights beautiful culture and they called it the "Kannawidan Festival"

We, Ilocanos are now in the eleventh chapter of celebrating Kannawidan Festival. A week long celebration that showcase Ilocano culture, traditions, cuisines and also events that people would surely enjoy.

During the month of January Ilocanos are busy preparing for the opening of Kannawidan fest. Schools in Ilocos Sur had a big part in this festival. Students practices for competitions showing the culture and traditions of Vigan. They let visitors and tourists showcase how Vigan was before. They portray every Ilocano, what's their role in the past and also today. The government of Ilocos Sur also gives a very big support for this said festival. Kannawidan shows how Ilocanos are very down to earth and a very friendly people. 

  Ilocanos are also God-fearing people because the festival is started by a mass for patron saints. At night, people gathered at Tamag grounds to see their favorite artists and guests. Artists joins Ilocanos celebrate by showing their talents and Ilocanos are happy to showcase it.

The old and the new in Ilocano culture are both featured in this year’s Kannawidan Ylocos Festival -  the festival of Ilocos Sur that celebrates its being a separate province and its being a treasure chest of traditions and culture


Change: Starts with Me

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"Real change is difficult at the beginning". Yes it really is. But if you really want a change, you should start it within yourself. Believe in yourself! Change starts with me!

Most people are frustrated because of the circumstances they face. They believe that if they can control these problems they can be very happy. But sometimes it's not possible because there are may things we are facing in our lives. It requires redesigning yourself and change yourself for the better.

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The positive impact I can make starts within myself; by becoming a truly giving person. Having the no doubt with myself and having faith to God. Everything is possible. Change is possible. Being positive in life would had a great impact on everyone. Improving myself first would be a great move for a change. Having self discipline is a great weapon for us to show everyone the change we desire. Trust God's plan and always talk to him. Thank him for the opportunities and all the blessings he had given us and ask for guidance. Because only him can make a BIG change in the whole world. If all of us would learn to forgive and to help one another the change we really want will be given. And we would live in peace and a happy life.

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Heal yourself first by integrating your shadow self and be mindful of your thoughts. The problems that once consume you will no longer affect what you want to achieve and with that you can make a change. I Can Make A Change!


New Year, New Me

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       New year has come to us again. Another year of happiness and sorrow. Another year to be thankful and another year of battle for your goal. People make their new year's resolution. They try to set goals for the year but sometimes they tend to forget what they should do. And this year I'm determined to be a better person. A better student and a better daughter.

     These past years, I have tried making my new year's resolution. But eventually I failed on achieving them all. And this year I'm determined to make all things possible. "New year, new me", we can hear this line when new year comes but are we really a new version of us?

     This year I will be a better version of me. I will study harder for me to graduate and have a brighter future. My mother always tell me that the only thing she can give us was the knowledge we gain that no one can steal from us. Next school year I'll be in Senior High school and I expect that it'll be more stressful and tiring but I will keep in my mind that I can do it.
Image result for earn money clipartNow that I'm a teenager, I can now distinguish what is right from wrong. This year I also have to think first before choosing or deciding what to do. Especially now that my mother is not here beside me. I am the one in charge of my siblings and I really want to be a good example to them and that I should take good care of them so that mama will not be worried about us.I am also starting to earn money with what's left in my allowance for any emergency purposes and for me to buy the things I need.
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     I want the sixteen-year old me to be a better version of me. The new me, who gives her best and will never regret what she will do and the new me who'll appreciate and love herself more. With the help of our Father who really loves us. I know I can. We can if we really want to. New Year, New Me.  
