Friday, February 8, 2019

Change: Starts with Me

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"Real change is difficult at the beginning". Yes it really is. But if you really want a change, you should start it within yourself. Believe in yourself! Change starts with me!

Most people are frustrated because of the circumstances they face. They believe that if they can control these problems they can be very happy. But sometimes it's not possible because there are may things we are facing in our lives. It requires redesigning yourself and change yourself for the better.

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The positive impact I can make starts within myself; by becoming a truly giving person. Having the no doubt with myself and having faith to God. Everything is possible. Change is possible. Being positive in life would had a great impact on everyone. Improving myself first would be a great move for a change. Having self discipline is a great weapon for us to show everyone the change we desire. Trust God's plan and always talk to him. Thank him for the opportunities and all the blessings he had given us and ask for guidance. Because only him can make a BIG change in the whole world. If all of us would learn to forgive and to help one another the change we really want will be given. And we would live in peace and a happy life.

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Heal yourself first by integrating your shadow self and be mindful of your thoughts. The problems that once consume you will no longer affect what you want to achieve and with that you can make a change. I Can Make A Change!


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