Friday, December 7, 2018

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities

      Equal rights. All humans have equal rights. Even if you're a male, female or a part of the colorful world of the LGBTQ you will get that equal rights. But in this world full of judgement and criticism, some didn't get and experience that equal rights. They are being discriminated and unloved by others even if they did nothing wrong. The poor ones don't feel that equal rights because people in the higher hierarchy are attacking them, showing them that they are more powerful than those people who wear rags. As you can see people depends their rights by their status, who they are and what they can. And those people who belong to the lower hierarchy and people who are part of the LGBTQ they always get rejected in the things they wanted to do.

We should think that we have that equal rights and with equal rights we would have that equal opportunities. Equal opportunities in all aspects. With equal rights, many doors of opportunities would be open to everyone. Having equal rights, people would live a happy and content life. Doing what they want without any hesitations because they know that we have the rights to do so. For example, some companies don't  want to hire people in the LGBTQ that really shows discrimination but with equal rights they're hired as long as they know and want that job. People would say, "I would grab that opportunity."

We are all God's creation and he had given us that equal love and equal protection. We are all the same in God's eyes. Let's all put in our minds that with equal rights, there'll be equal opportunities for everyone. It is possible for everyone and anyone to do what they want to. Remember that when we have equal rights, we would live in a place called Utopia.


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